St Albans Cathedral
Over the past twenty years, Baqus has been appointed for Quantity Surveying and CDM Co-ordination services for the conservation of the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban.
Projects at the Cathedral have included:
• Ten year conservation/maintenance programme
• Restoration of Alban Shrine and new Shrine lift
• Conservation and specialist cleaning of Lady Chapel
• Remodelling of 250ft Great Tower and replacement of the bells
• Complete internal and external lighting renewal
• Internal and external stonework conservation (12 contracts)
• Remodelling and improvements to the Cathedral Precincts and Vintry Garden (HLF Funded)

• Major conservation works to Nave and Quire
• Remodelling North and South Churchyards
• Conservation work to remains of Cloisters
• Access improvements including ramps and platform lifts
• Refurbishment works to Chapter House